We deliver with integrity and commitment
We are stronger and smarter as a team
We are equals regardless of roles
We value everyone's strengths and contributions
We deliver exceptional results every time
We always deliver results on time
We are driven to continue our success
We love solving the challenges in our way
We lead others to think outside the box
We promote fearlessness to act
We are driven by helping others
We are leaders in the community

Dante in the Community

University of Texas at Austin
Pancakes and Profs Fall and Spring Sponsor
Computer Science Student Raffles
Computer Science Student Body Technical Talks
ACM Paintball and Computer Science Event Sponsor
Computer Science Internship Program

University of Maryland
Dante Scholarship in Computer Science
Fuel For Finals Fall and Spring Sponsor
Computer Science Student Raffles
Computer Science Student Body Technical Talks
Computer Science Event Sponsor
Women in Computing Event Sponsor
Computer Science Internship Program